In3DS offers every one and companies, business worldwide our 3D printing Services with high quality and cost effective. If you need 3D printing service for your ideas, products, you are at the right place.

We print your 3d model files and ship to you. We are shipping to customers in Singapore, Australia, Germany, France, United Kingdom, USA …

Some examples, which are printed:

custom 3d printing chesses
rapid prototyping services
3d printing business shoes
3d printing companies in Ha noi, Vietnam
3D printing service dinosaur
Rapid prototyping, printing medical

How is the price of 3d printing service calculated?

The price of our printing service based on the cost for materials and the cost for 3d printing time.

  1. cost for materials: You choses which materials do you want to print based on your products. For More information about how to chose the right materials, please take see at “3D printer Filaments“. Choosing the right materials will help you have the quality products and cost effective for 3D printing. The cost for materials goes from 2$-80$ / 1 kg, depends on which kind of material.
  2. Printing time: The bigger your 3d model, the longer does the 3D printer needs to print your 3d model. The cost for printing time is from 2$ / 1 hour.

How to use our 3d printing service

There are 2 ways to use our printing service.

1. Print it yourself: If you are familiar with using 3D printer and you are in Vietnam, you can go to our office with the address below. Here you can use our 3D printer and materials and print it your self.

In3DS, R1107, Lac Hong Westlake Building B, Phu Thuong , Tay Ho, Ha Noi, Vietnam.

2. Let us do it for you: If you want us to print your model for you, please send your 3d files with the extension *.stl with the information about you: Name, Company, email-address, Mobile number, address to [email protected] . We will send you back the information about price for your 3d models and confirm with you about your requirements.

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